How to Get Wine Out of Clothes

How to Get Wine Out of Clothes

Have you wondered how to get wine out of clothes? Just maybe you are taking a wine and it suddenly spills on you, no need it take it to the laundry, I will be show you a DIY method that you can employ and get that stain sorted out immediately.

How to Get Wine Out of Clothes

If you can’t get to a wine stain in time, don’t worry; most wine stains can be completely or at least reduced with common household cleaning solutions.

However, red wine stains are notoriously difficult to remove from clothing, so it’s best to treat them as soon as possible—the older the stain, the more stubborn it will be.

It’s also important to note that putting a wine-stained fabric in a hot dryer will set the stain and make removal nearly impossible.

How to Treat a Fresh Red Wine Stain

How to Get Wine Out of Clothes

Start by wiping the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. Press softly and dab—do not rub, since this will solidify the pigment. After you’ve blotted the stain, you can treat it with one of the non-toxic home cleaning methods listed below.

1. Try Club Soda

Pour a sufficient amount of club soda over the discoloration and let it sit overnight. Club soda should not be replaced with a seltzer or any other carbonated beverage.

2. Use Salt

Sprinkle salt generously over the stain (kosher salt has larger, flatter grains than regular salt, allowing for better absorption). Then, try any of the following options:

  • Leave the salt overnight to absorb as much wine pigment as possible.
  • If the fabric of your clothes is strong, such as denim jeans or heavy linen, place it over a basin with the stain centered. Then, slowly pour boiling water over the wine spot from 8 inches above, allowing the water’s force to assist push away the stain.
  • If the stain has been removed, wash the item as usual.

3. Combine White Vinegar and Laundry Detergent

Cover the discoloration completely with white vinegar and as many drops of liquid detergent as necessary.

Vinegar’s acidity destroys the link between the dye and the fabric fiber, allowing the detergent to remove any leftover pigment. Let the fabric sit overnight.

4. Try Laundry and Cleaning Products

Soak items in OxiClean powder mixed with the warmest water that your fabric can tolerate. Other options are Biokleen’s Bac-Out Stain and Odor Remover, Ecover Stain Stick, and Spot Shot.

Several sprays are designed expressly to remove red wine stains, like Chateau Spill and Wine Away. Always read the labels for the proper soaking times and other instructions.

5. Pair Dishwashing Liquid and Hydrogen Peroxide

  • Combine hydrogen peroxide and dish soap (3 parts peroxide/1 part soap).
  • Since hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent, test a small amount of the solution on an inconspicuous spot. If your test spot looks good after drying, apply the mixture to the stain and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Wash the clothing immediately or rinse with cold water.

6. Use Baking Soda

  • Pour a generous amount of baking soda onto the stain and let it remain for a few minutes to absorb the wine.
  • When the baking soda becomes damp from the wine, use a dull knife or the edge of a credit card to extract it.
  • Replace it with another generous amount of fresh, dry baking soda to continue soaking up the wine.
  • Another method is to apply baking soda to the fresh wine stain, followed by white vinegar. The bubbling action of baking soda and white vinegar may remove the wine stain from the fibers. Blot or rinse the baking soda and vinegar with cold water once the bubbling has stopped, then repeat if necessary.

How to Treat an Old Red Wine Stain

How to Treat an Old Red Wine Stain

If you didn’t cure a red wine stain right away, a long soak in cold water may still help to eliminate or lessen it.

1. Rub the Stain with Soap

Begin by rubbing a generous amount of liquid laundry detergent or dish soap into the stained area.

2. Soak Item

Next, soak the garments in a bowl or pail of cold water for 30 minutes or overnight.

3. Apply Stain Remover

Apply a stain remover to the wet stain (as directed on the label) and wash the clothing on a regular cycle.

4. Air Dry

Allow the clothes to dry completely before inspecting the stain. If the stain persists, try the process again.


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